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stevie g
Team member
Member: Freeland
Update: Trained 43 law enf officers along Thai-Lao border to ID and stop wildlife trafficking
Learn more: Wildscan, CTOC, other tools translated into Thai and shared. Connection to zoonotic outbreaks explained
Member: Freeland
Summary: Trained 43 law enforcement officers along Thai-Laos border to identify and stop trafficking
Supports: Stop Trafficking
1 Award
Member: Freeland
Update: Top Asian Law Enforcers Convene to Combat Wildlife Trafficking.
Learn more: ASEANAPOL, INTERPOL, CHINA, USA. Thanks to Freeland and USAID
Member: Freeland
Update: Thai Government links wildlife trafficking to Covid. Pledges to stop it and launch 1 Health
Learn more: https://youtu.be/sSHngiaq2-k
Member: Freeland
Update: Thai Government links wildlife trafficking to Covid. Pledges to stop it and launch 1 Health
Learn more: https://youtu.be/sSHngiaq2-k
Member: Freeland
Update: Thai Government links wildlife trafficking to Covid. Pledges to stop it and launch 1 Health
Learn more: https://youtu.be/sSHngiaq2-k
1 Award
Member: Freeland
Summary: Preparing CTOC Border traing CWT
Supports: Stop Trafficking
More info: Hotspot trafficking channel Laos-Thai border, training 45 officers from 6 agencies next month. Prepping now
1 Award
Land conversion decrease
Member: Freeland
Summary: Students plant trees w freeland and farmers on toiled land near national parks
Baseline land (hectares): 0
Land converted (hectares): 1
Percentage decrease: 50
Species demand decrease
Member: Freeland
Summary: Border banners produced reminding ppl that viruses can be caught from buying, trading wild animals
Baseline number: 0
Post project numbers: 0
Percentage decrease: 0
Learn more: Just starting
1 Award
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