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Biochar Life of Warm Heart Worldwide
An impact venture of Warm Heart Worldwide, Biochar Life cools the climate by helping to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1475
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: Patricia Omollo
Usage location: Unnamed Road, Kenya
Batch: POR-048
Notes: Farming in same area
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 675
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Usage location: 37QR+R5C Siaya, Kenya
Batch: RIO-096
Notes: Biochar production and ussage on soil adopted
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 625
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: MARY ANYANGO
Usage location: NORTH ALEGO Location BORO Division ALEGO USONGA Constituency Nyanza, Siaya, Kenya
Batch: MAA_028
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar on the farm was successfull
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1100
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: Martha Atieno Onditi
Usage location: WJP5+87W, Newa, Kenya
Batch: MAN-068
Notes: Planting with biochar mixed with organic manure was successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1150
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: James Onyango
Usage location: WJW6+XQG, Newa, Kenya
Batch: JON-076
Notes: Planting with biochar mixed with organic manure was successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 675
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: JOSEPH OKELO
Usage location: 37QW+9R9 Siaya, Kenya
Batch: JON-092
Notes: Biochar production and ussage successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 675
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: NELSON OGINGA
Usage location: 38J3+J38 Siaya, Kenya
Batch: NON-094
Notes: Biochar production and ussage successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 675
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: Phoebe Akinyi
Usage location: 37PW+HG Siaya, Kenya
Batch: PAN-090
Notes: Biochar training , production and usage on soil successful
Biochar make
Location: 3CVF+GH7, Siaya, Kenya
Farmer name: EAK/21/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 1/4/2022
Quantity of biochar: 1250
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: EAK-057
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1400
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: Margret Achieng
Usage location: WHMQ+J3J, Pau Akuche, Kenya
Batch: MAT- 074
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar and organic manure was successful
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