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Biochar Life of Warm Heart Worldwide
An impact venture of Warm Heart Worldwide, Biochar Life cools the climate by helping to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar make
Farmer name: Moses Ochai
Farmer Id: MOK/33307092 Moses Ochai
Land owner name: Moses Ochai
Location: Kogweno Kowour, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 4
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 22/07/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220807-7092
Biochar make
Farmer name: Anne Okumu
Farmer Id: AOO/34645259 Anne Okumu
Land owner name: Anne Okumu
Location: JJJX+JVG, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 3
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 27/07/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220807-5259
Biochar make
Farmer name: Denis onyango
Farmer Id: DOA/38890100
Land owner name: Hilarious mala
Location: WCH8+MWR, Siaya, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 2
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 07/08/2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220807_0100
Biochar make
Farmer name: Mary Otieno- Kamuga Village
Farmer Id: MOK/36488862
Land owner name: Mary Otieno
Location: JJRG+27R, Kogembo, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 27-07-2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220806-8862
Biochar make
Farmer name: Cloy Ariko
Farmer Id: CAA/1486941 Cloy Ariko
Land owner name: Cloy Ariko
Location: JJW5+VHV, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 3
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 27/7/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220806-6941
Biochar make
Farmer name: Esther Kire -Kamreri Village
Farmer Id: EKK/25528460
Land owner name: Esther Kire
Location: JJW5+CWX, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 27-07-2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220806-8460
Biochar make
Farmer name: Thomas Odero
Farmer Id: TOK/40948319
Land owner name: Thomas Odero
Location: JJW5+VHV, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 2
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/7/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220805_8319
Biochar make
Farmer name: Joshua Abiero
Farmer Id: JOR 37178720 Joshua Abiero
Land owner name: Joshua Abiero
Location: JJW5+CWX, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 2
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/07/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220805_8720
Biochar make
Farmer name: Susan Siwo
Farmer Id: SSK/003
Land owner name: Susan Siwo
Location: JJJX+JVG, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 2.5
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 22-07-2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220805-1912
Biochar make
Farmer name: Solomon Ocholla
Farmer Id: SOK/13/22
Land owner name: Solomon Ocholla
Location: JJW5+CWX, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 2
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 22-07-22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20230805-0714
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