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Biochar Life of Warm Heart Worldwide
An impact venture of Warm Heart Worldwide, Biochar Life cools the climate by helping to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Biochar used
Farmer name: Mary Otieno-Kamuga Village
Farmer ID: MOK/3648862
Usage location: JJQH+P22, Kenya
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Date used: 3-08-2022
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Batch: 20220813-8862
Estimated farmer payment: 18750
Notes: Farming in same area
Biochar used
Farmer name: Esther Kire-Kamreri Villge
Farmer ID: EKK/25528460
Usage location: JJW5+CWX, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Date used: 3-08-2022
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Batch: 20220813-8460
Estimated farmer payment: 18750
Notes: Farming in same area
Biochar used
Farmer name: Moses Ochai
Farmer ID: MOK/33307092
Usage location: JJQ7+P55, Unnamed Road, Kendu Bay, Kenya
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Date used: 3/8/22
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Batch: 20220813_7092
Estimated farmer payment: 2500
Notes: Farming in the same area
Biochar make
Farmer name: Veronica Akinyi
Farmer Id: VAU/20492040
Land owner name: Veronica Akinyi
Location: 3CXV+65G, Siaya, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1.6
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220813-2040
Biochar make
Farmer name: Oscar Omondi
Farmer Id: OOM/40488584
Land owner name: Oscar Omondi
Location: 3CXR+6Q9, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1.5
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20221308-8584
Biochar make
Farmer name: Cosam Ouma
Farmer Id: COM/9398480
Land owner name: Cosam Ouma
Location: 3CXR+6Q9, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1.6
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220813-8480
Biochar make
Farmer name: Jared Odemba
Farmer Id: JOR/11048149
Land owner name: Jared Odemba
Location: 3CXR+6Q9, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1.5
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/22
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220813-8149
Biochar make
Farmer name: BeatriceAluoch
Farmer Id: BAL/13234336
Land owner name: Beatrice Aluoch
Location: Siaya, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 1
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/03/2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 202208134336
Biochar make
Farmer name: Phoebe Akinyi
Farmer Id: PAN/29/22
Land owner name: John Muga
Location: 37PW+HG Siaya, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 0.5
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220813-3310
Biochar make
Farmer name: Mary Anyango
Farmer Id: MAA/28/22
Land owner name: Mary anyango
Location: 378M+7VP, Siaya, Kenya
Crop: Corn stalk
Crop land size: 0.8
Biochar equipment: Trench
Make biochar date: 13/08/2022
Quantity of biochar: 2500
Batch number: 20220813_6239
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