Teach your native language to immigrants
How did you help immigrants learn your native language? : We provide weekly classes with English grammar lessons. We also assign homework that shows them how to apply grammar rules in their own life.
Who was the partner for the activity?: English Language Center
What was the age group targeted?: 21+ years
How many people did you help? : 20

Learn about different cultures
How did you learn about different cultures?: My kids went on a two week journey into the Thai jungle to stay with Kik’s mum on the coconut farm and learn about local Thai culture, it was great fun!
Where did this activity take place?: 1S, 759 Soi Sukhumvit 55 (Thonglor Klongton, Nua, เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110, Thailand
How often will you engage in this activity or an activity like it? : Bi-annual
Practice healthy habits
What did you do to build healthy habits?: I have been using the Way of Life app on a daily basis to track against six habits from the day before…
Mainly focusing on reducing sugar intake, making sure I get in 30 minutes plus exercise each day, and reducing some bad habits I’ve got into like eating too much chocolate.
It is working really really well!
Note I can only choose monthly in the drop-down, but of course I’m really doing this on a daily basis!
How often will you engage in this activity? : Monthly
What was the benefit of this activity?: I’ve lost about 3 kg so far and I’m getting really near my target weight where I can ease off and maybe start eating a bit of chocolate again :-)

Implement energy efficient designs in your home
How did you increase energy efficiency in your home? : Installed solar at home to power all devices
What organisation or company did you work with (if any) to implement these changes?: Chiang Mai Solar
What is the benefit of your home implementation?: Housing