Sylvester Chiweza
Biochar project leader for Warm Heart Malawi

STS update
Update: The Government of Malawi constructed Kamuzu Barrage at Liwonde with an aim of regulating water flow for Hydro-Power Generation. Each year, the government removes big chunk of Water Hyacinth locally known as Namasipuni. After having a study about benefits and threats of the Water Hyacinth, the government through Ministry of Forest and Natural Resources has embarked on a stakeholder engagement meetings. The first meeting started on 12th October in the central region (Lilongwe). The ministry will proceed with similar meeting in the Northern and Southern Region of Malawi. The aim of this engagement meeting is to identify potential investors to work on water Hyacinth.
Apart from having potential investors, Biogas, Biochar and Briquettes producers were also part of the meeting to provide technical advise on how to remove Water Hyacinth for Biochar and Briquettes.
Proper aquatic weed management at Kamuzu Barrage in Liwonde is one of government's priority areas.

STS update
Update: On 25th September, Warm Heart Malawi received a courtesy call from Dr. Steven Machado. Dr. Machado visited some local women who are using Biochar in their gardens. One of the women, Rose Majete of Mandala village alluded that on her garden Biochar is adding more value as it conserves moisture, her vegetables taste good. Dr. Steven later collected soil samples from the crops that were applied with Biochar and those that were not for further investigation.