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Roseline Atieno
Team member
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1250
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: NELLY TUJU
Usage location: P.O.Box 143, Siaya, Kenya
Batch: NTU-056
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar and organic manure was successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1250
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: SELINE AKINYI
Usage location: 3CVF+GH7, Siaya, Kenya
Batch: SAU-050
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar and organic manure was successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1250
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: SUSAN MBOTI
Usage location: 3CVF+GH7, Siaya, Kenya
Batch: SMU-052
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar and organic manure was successful
Biochar used
Quantity of biochar: 1250
Usage: Soil
Distance transported (km): 0-50 km
Farmer name: Goerge Owino
Usage location: 4C6F+J6F, Kenya
Batch: GOM
Notes: Demonstration on how to use biochar and organic manure was successful
Biochar make
Location: 39VX+C24, Siaya, Kenya
Farmer name: NTU/20/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 31/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 750
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: NTU-055
Biochar make
Location: 4C6F+J6F, Kenya
Farmer name: GOM/19/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 30/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 875
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: GOM-053
Biochar make
Location: 3CVF+GH7, Siaya, Kenya
Farmer name: SAU/17/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 30/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 925
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: SAU-049
Biochar make
Location: 3CVF+GH7, Siaya, Kenya
Farmer name: SMU/18/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 30/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 750
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: SMU-051
Biochar make
Location: 4C6F+J6F, Kenya
Farmer name: GOM/19/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 22/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 375
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: GOM-019
Biochar make
Location: 3CX7+J79, Siaya, Kenya
Farmer name: NTU/20/22
Crop: Corn
Make biochar date: 22/3/2022
Quantity of biochar: 500
Biochar equipment: Trench
Batch number: NTU/020
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